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Research the company:

On the run up to your interview, be sure to spend some time researching everything you can about the company – from either the company’s Social Media or a good old google search. On many occasions candidates only look at the information the company is pushing out on their job spec or what they have been told during an initial conversation. By looking at multiple sources, you will be able to paint a picture of how the company operates (along with any negative press they may have). You will then be ready to talk about why you would like the opportunity to join the company as you know a good amount of background.

What to wear:

While it is expected that you dress smartly for any interview. A growing number of companies are trying to encourage casual work wear, making it harder to decide what to actually wear. In any situation. If you are unsure, just ask. The key point is to remember that it is better to be too smart, than to be too casual. Only opt for more casual wear if you know for certain that this is the company dress code. If you are unsure and want to play it safe, always learn toward smart casual, making sure you look the part! On the other hand, when it comes to telephone or teams interviews, be sure to dress as though you are attending face-to-face.

Time management:

Don’t aim to get there on TIME. Try and arrive at least 15 minutes early and be sure to double check the location of the interview to make sure you end up in the right place! There are so many things that could go wrong. You may have trouble finding the right location, you could end up being stuck in traffic and the list of problems continues.

Stay calm and be Yourself:

No one attends an interview with the outlook of being unpleasant or stressed. Although it can be difficult to act normal and be yourself if you are nervous. It may sound simple, but don’t forget to be yourself, make eye contact and be personable. The employer wants to get to know the real you. Try to remember that an interview is a professional occasion with some social aspect. Be friendly, laugh if the opportunity presents itself and always remember to show off your personality.

Try mock interviews:

If you’re like many of us, you will have been invited to a few interviews in the past, and although they are always something that will cause some level of stress or nervousness. Trying mock interviews at home with friends or family may help calm any nerves you may have. Now, you’re never going to know exactly what the interviewer is going to ask, but you can assume it will be about the job spec provided, your skills and what you are able to bring to the team. But always remember to stay calm and be yourself!

Know your CV:

The interviewer has already read over your CV and is obviously already impressed with the work you’ve done and the skills you possess. Now you want to bring your CV to life! Give examples of how you’ve used your skills in your previous roles, how they will help you in the future and what you are able to bring to this role with them. There is a real person behind every CV, make sure to show the interviewer that person.

Make yourself familiar with the STAR method:

STAR is a method you can use to prepare for interviews. Many recruiters and employers use this method to assess your competency, skills, and qualities for a role. It helps you think about a question and structure how you answer the question:
Situation – the situation you had to deal with
Task – the task you were given to do
Action – the action you took
Result – what happened as a result of your action and what you learned from the experience
When using the STAR method, remember to:
> Use examples from work, home or volunteering
> That examples should be short and to the point
> Try to get your points across in a conversational way so they don’t appear too rehearsed and so they feel natural for you to explain
> Be prepared to answer follow-up questions about the examples you give

​Although not all questions that require the STAR method are east to recognise, they will often have telltale opening lines such as, “Tell me about a time when”, “Give me an example of,” or “Describe a situation when”