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Dealing with your feelings:

Losing your job through redundancy is a huge adjustment to make. You might feel a range of emotions from shock, anger, resentment and relief in such a short space of time. Be sure to give yourself time and space to deal with all these emotions. You might find it helpful to speak to others who are or have been in the same position as yourself. Being out of work might affect both your self esteem and your self of identity. Remember to be kind to yourself during this time, as work and our jobs are a huge part of who we are. Above all, take care of yourself and take time to reflect on what makes you happy and fulfilled at work.

Coping with uncertainty:

If you are struggling with feelings of uncertainty, try to turn your focus to things you can control. You may not be able to get your old job back or be able to find something along the same lines so soon. Although, you should make some time to polish your CV and reach out to other roles or recruitment agencies to help. If you are feeling too stressed or worried about a new job just yet, take it at your own pace, don’t rush. Pushing yourself too much could make all the stress, anger and shock worse.

Keep busy, or take some time off:

Adjusting to a change of routine after being made redundant can be hard. It’s likely you will be spending more time at home than you usually would. You may question how to fill your time, especially if you aren’t looking for another job just yet. If you are someone who likes to keep your brain stimulated and challenged you can fill some of your free time with puzzles, watching films or listening to a podcast. You may also want to consider taking up a new hobby or give volunteering a go. You may find it hard to relax and switch off when you’ve been made redundant, you might feel guilty about enjoying your free time or worried about your financial situation. But try not to be too hard on yourself. This isn’t your fault. You deserve to relax and switch off before the stress of finding something new.

Reach out to recruiters:

If you have been working for a number of years, you may find it overwhelming to start the process of looking for a new role. It might also be challenging to determine what abilities you have or where you are able to transfer them too. Recruitment professionals are useful in situations like this, as they have the skills and talent to help you find the most suitable opportunities to fit your skills and attributes. They are able to help you find the right role for you, update your CV and recognise the best in you.

Be transparent:

Be open and honest with recruiters in what you are able to do and what you’re looking for. This will allow you to receive the best support. Consider focusing on what makes you feel comfortable and works best for you, on the off chance that you aren’t able to find exactly what you’re looking for.